

A community's century-long fight to preserve Slovenian sign language and secure their right to use it in education, overcoming oppression and reclaiming their linguistic identity.


The education of deaf children, constrained by outdated methods and the denial of their right to use sign language, has left lasting consequences. Personal stories reveal how banning their native language in schools deeply impacted the deaf linguistic minority. This century-long linguistic genocide threatened the survival of Slovenian sign language. However, the deaf community, supported by their organizations, united to prevent its extinction. Through this ongoing struggle, they have nurtured their linguistic identity and developed their language, even through their own media. The documentary highlights their long fight to secure the right to use sign language in the Slovenian constitution.


Marko Kumer Murč - Director and Producer,
Tina Grošelj - Scriptwriter, and Researcher
Neja Berger - Editor


Rusaalka, Slovenia
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Clubs Association of Slovenia

Slovenia is one of the first countries in Europe, and even globally, to enshrine the right to use sign language in its constitution. The film follows this historic fight.

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