The anniversary of the Slovenian national domain, .si, is celebrated through three short films, highlighting a programmer's unexpected importance, a humorous server mishap, and the launch of a first webpage 30 years ago.
To celebrate the anniversary of the Slovenian national domain, Rusaalka was granted the amazing opportunity to produce three eye-opening short films. You’ll get to travel through the world of a clumsy programmer who proves to be an important asset to the .si team. In another film, you’ll see the fear of two workers in a basement who think they’ve destroyed the domain servers only to find out it’s impossible. And lastly, a retro-style film portrays an extravagant businessman launching his first webpage.

Danijela Mikanovič & Murč - Script
Marko Kumer Murč - Director
Tina Glavič Novak - Producer
Primož Korošec - Cinematographer
Ana Grzetič - Editor
Maja Šavc - Production Desing
Tanita Seifert - Make-up artist
Zavod Rusaalka
Domains like .si play a crucial role in our daily lives, supporting essential functions that rely on a stable internet connection, such as hospitals, schools, electricity providers, and media channels. In the film, we uncovered many fascinating aspects of this infrastructure, and we are proud to be part of the 30-year celebration.